Happy Friday, Chamber World! It's going to be a GREAT day!
Naperville Area Chamber of Commerce Welcomes New Chairman With Board of Directors
The Naperville Area Chamber of Commerce has named Adam Russo chairman of its Board of Directors. Adam Russo, Chairman and CEO of Edgewood Clinical Services, will serve a two-year term.
After eight years of membership, Russo attributes much of his business growth to the Chamber of Commerce as its programs have afforded him the opportunity to develop both professionally and personally.
“The Chamber has connected me with the right people to help me grow, and I know we can do the same for many other businesses,” stated Russo in a news release. “I also know that the Chamber is perceived simply as a networking organization; it’s more than that. Through our educational initiatives, workforce development, and other plans we have, we are going to show how great the organization truly is.”
Focus for 2016
“We have over 1,200 members and being in the Naperville Area, have the ability to do something special,” Russo added. “Primarily, we are going to focus on partnering with our local educational institutions in order to better integrate business with education to further our local workforce development. We will also have a proactive legislative agenda to help foster growth among local business.”
Eight new members of the Board of Directors include Jim Adams of Calamos Family Partners, Inc.; Carl Beckstrom of BMO Harris Bank N.A.; Lori Contreras of Illinois Hospital Association; Karen Gustafson of Nicor Gas, An AGL Resources Company; Dr. Anthony LaVacca of Naperville Dental Specialists & General Oral Health Care; Renee Miklosik of Little Friends; Jason Nagel of Naperville Bank & Trust; and Jim Spangler of Navistar International, Inc. Read more: Positively Naperville
Mid-America #Chamber concern: Chicago Fed report: Labor issues facing agriculture and the rural Midwest
For years the rural Midwest has faced concerns about its falling population, waning work force vitality, and increasing health problems—all of which have contributed to slower economic growth relative to that of the region’s urban areas. The Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago and the W. E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research held a conference on November 16–17, 2015, to address labor-related issues confronting the Midwest’s rural economy and, in particular, its agricultural sector. Read more : Chicago Federal Reserve Bank
Rapid City Area Chamber of Commerce 2016 Community Guide & Membership Directory
The Rapid City Area Chamber of Commerce 2016 Community Guide & Membership Directory is available at the Rapid City Chamber today! Thanks to Linda Rabe, Kristina Simmons and the chamber team for their help and direction putting this together!
Town SquarePublications (www.townsquarepublications.com) can help you accomplish your chamber's gloss map, directory, community profile or publication needs at no expense to the chamber. Please email John Dussman at jdussman@tspubs.com or call (847)-427-4633.
Elkhart Truth Editorial: Elkhart must retain economic development position
The departure of Barkley Garrett, Elkhart’s economic development manager, provides Mayor Tim Neese with the opportunity to take a fresh look at how the city is working to attract and retain businesses. Since Neese is only one month into his term, and because he’s making changes in other departments, it’s certainly appropriate that he takes a look at Elkhart’s economic development efforts to see if there’s a need for change.
Under no circumstance should the city eliminate the position of economic development director. This is a key role that needs to be filled by an aggressive individual with a strong economic development background who will solely represent the city's interests.
Garrett, who held the post for six years, left Elkhart last week to take a job as executive director of the Southwestern Michigan Economic Growth Alliance, a nonprofit group that promotes economic development in that region.
With Garrett leaving, Neese said he plans to “re-evaluate” how the city pursues economic development, and he dropped hints about possible partnerships with the Greater Elkhart Chamber of Commerce or the Economic Development Corp. of Elkhart County.
There’s nothing wrong with talking to those entities and others about ways to work together to strategically pursue economic development in the city and region. In fact, better collaboration would likely play a key role in getting more businesses to start, relocate or grow in Elkhart.
However, the city needs someone whose sole job is to work with companies, developers and others to make the case that Elkhart is the right place for their businesses. The city needs an outgoing, proactive individual who is connected enough to know when developers and executives are at the early stages of searching for a place to do business, and will quickly pursue those projects as soon as they’re in the pipeline. Read more: Elkhart Truth
At the first luncheon was held on Tuesday at Cesare’s Ristorante in Chester. Susan Horne, president and chief executive officer of LEAD Virginia, introduced the lunch program.
Participants pay a fixed price for a light lunch: $15 for chamber members and $20 for non-members.
“We are looking to attract emerging leaders — those Millennials who are making their way through the workforce. This is also a chance for experienced leaders to meet each other, establish connections and strengthen the business community,” says H/PG Chamber CEO Becky McDonough. “This lunch program is designed to be interactive, with participants sitting around a table and exchanging ideas directly with the speaker/facilitator.”
The next program in the Leadership Lunch program will take place on Tuesday, Feb. 23, with facilitator Tim Davey, Principal for Urban and Economic Development with the Timmons Group.
Since March 2007, Susan Horne has served as president and CEO of Lead Virginia, an educational program for business and community leaders from across the state of Virginia. Lead Virginia has been recognized by the Virginia General Assembly for its work in building a statewide network of leaders serving the Commonwealth. Read more: The Progress-Index
Famous Wisconsin Brewer Dick Leinenkugel to speak at Forward Janesville’s Annual Dinner
This year’s Forward Janesville Annual Dinner could be a bit of a beer bash. The business membership organization’s president John Beckord announced through a video presentation during today’s awards luncheon, Wisconsin brewer Dick Leinenkugel will be the keynote speaker. Beckord says they’ll turn the banquet hall into a Leinenkugel lodge on the night of April 5th, complete with beer tasting. Registration begins Feburary 8th. More Information: Forward Janesville
Paducah Chamber honors community members at annual meeting
The Paducah Area Chamber of Commerce’s Annual Meeting and Business Celebration sponsored by Lourdes and CSI was held Friday at the Julian Carroll Convention Center, and the chamber honored several community members.
The award winners are:
Young Leader of Western Kentucky - Donald Shively. This award is selected by the Four Rivers Business Journal.
Leadership Paducah Alumnus of the Year - Ralph Mounts. This award is selected and presented by the Leadership Paducah Foundation.
Chamber Volunteer of the Year - Janice Cleary with Paducah Bank.
Summit Award - Michael and April Cochran with the Market House Theatre.
Entrepreneur of the Year - f.a.c.e. Makeup Artistry and owner Erin Hendley.
Small Business of the Year - Socially Present and President Jonas Neihoff.
Business of the Year - Beltline Electric and President Jason Siener.
Generations Award - Ray Black & Son.
At the event, outgoing board chair Bryan Carner with US Bank officially passed the gavel to Bruce Wilcox with Henry A. Petter Supply as the board chair for 2016. Read more: WPSD6
Four Flags Area Chamber: Lunch & Learn Series
Four Flags Area Chamber of Commerce will hold a lunch and learn with MK Knowledgebuilders on how businesses can measure the success of the new year. The luncheon will be from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Jan. 27 at the Four Flags Area Chamber of Commerce, 321 E. Main St. The cost is $20. Chamber members pay a discounted rate of $10. Lunch will be provided by Olfactory Hue Bistro. To register, email leigh@nilesmi.com. Read more: South Bend Tribune
Chamber news: East Mississippi Business Development Corporation recognizes January ambassadors
The East Mississippi Business Development Corporation (EMBDC) recently presented its January Ambassadors of the Month awards to three very deserving participants. In first place was Casey Hendricks with The Montgomery Institute, second place went to Sonya Scarbrough with BankPlus and third place went to Derron Radcliff with the MSU Riley Center.
Also, winning the red ticket drawing was Krilecia Gianakos with State Games of Mississippi. The red ticket drawing is from the pool of ambassadors who have attended EMBDC events over the past month.
This committee of volunteers assists with membership activities and events throughout the year including ribbon cuttings and ground breakings conducted by the EMBDC.
They work to secure new members and increase membership retention by building relationships and maintaining communication with existing and prospective members. To find out more about becoming an Ambassador for your community, contact the EMBDC at 601-693-1306. Read more: Meridian Star
Town Square Publications Chamber of Commerce Membership Directories and Custom Maps
Town Square also offers multi-media maps in both print and online formats, both with our No-Cost guarantee. More information: Town Square Publications
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