Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Chamber news: Michigan is the Comeback State; Chamber Economic Development: David Brown: Omaha chamber's recruiting of Yahoo was doubly successful; Joplin, Missouri Chamber Receives Excellence in Programs and Campaigns Award; Norman Chamber of Commerce hosts State of Schools luncheon; Arkansas Highway Commissioner to Speak at El Dorado Chamber Economic Outlook Luncheon; Chamber Tweet of the Day: Oklahoma State Chamber; Chamber Forum in central Illinois: Minimum wage hike bad for biz; Canada's consul general will address Crossroads (Indiana) chamber meeting Nov. 18; Iowa City chamber: A Toast to Our Communities awards recipients announced; Chamber event: Business counseling available Nov. 19 in Wisconsin Rapids; Famous Chamber of Commerce Quotation (Attitude)

Chamber news: Michigan is the Comeback State 

Timothy G. Nash, Keith A. Pretty, Richard K. Studley and Bob Thomas

The U.S. Great Recession (December 2007-June 2009) saw the largest decline in U.S. GDP of 4 percent and the sharpest increase in unemployment from 4.9 percent to 10.1 percent since The U.S. Great Depression of the 1930s.
Economic conditions were far worse in Michigan with the bankruptcy of General Motors and Chrysler while new automobile, SUV and light truck sales were near 40 year lows.
The 2014 Michigan Chamber Foundation Economic Competitiveness Study was released in September and concludes that Michigan is on the comeback trail. Michigan ranked 20th in state GDP growth in 2013 outpacing the U.S. as a whole, according to the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis. In the last week of October the Tax Foundation released its 2015 State Business Climate Tax Index. According to the Tax Foundation, Michigan is now the 13th most competitive state relative to the Business Tax Climate, something that is clearly good for job creation and the attraction of new businesse. Read more: Midland Daily News

Chamber Economic Development: David Brown: Omaha chamber's recruiting of Yahoo was doubly successful

Over the years, I have become the guy you would call when you saw something under construction and wondered what it was. That is appropriate since the Greater Omaha Chamber of Commerce is home to the regional economic development organization, the Greater Omaha Economic Development Partnership. We represent all of the economic development organizations in a six-county area. Over the past 10 years, we have closed more than 460 projects totaling nearly $5 billion in new investment and 25,000 jobs.

More than half of these projects involve companies new to the Omaha region, solidifying our reputation as a haven for a great number of out-of-state firms, including more than 100 California-based companies. Apple, Bank of the West, eBay, Google, LinkedIn, Pacific Life, PayPal, Wells Fargo and Yahoo are just a few of the global enterprises that have made considerable investments in our region and, in many cases, have used Partnership services. Read more:

Joplin, Missouri Chamber Receives Excellence in Programs and Campaigns Award

The Chamber of Commerce Executives of Missouri gave the Joplin Chamber an Excellence in Programs and Campaigns Award. The Joplin Chambers Young Professionals Network designed the campaign. Organizers say even though the issue failed earlier this year with the voters, it's nice to be recognized.

"We love to win. It was a great feeling of accomplishment  that the campaign that we worked really hard on with our Young Professionals was able to bring home this state award," said Kirstie Smith, Joplin Chamber of Commerce. Source:

Norman Chamber of Commerce hosts State of Schools luncheon

During the annual Norman Chamber of Commerce’s Norman State of Schools luncheon Friday, Norman community leaders heard about the status, success and future of Norman-area schools.
Superintendent Dr. Joe Siano, who has been with Norman Public Schools, for 15 years, said he wanted those at the luncheon to have a look at the direction the school district is heading and the challenges public education faces statewide. Read more: Norman Transcript

Arkansas Highway Commissioner to Speak at El Dorado Chamber Economic Outlook Luncheon

We have listened to our member's feedback about bolstering the Economic Outlook Luncheons. It is our pleasure to have Arkansas Highway Commissioner Robert Moore Jr. as the headline speaker for the upcoming Economic Outlook Luncheon on Wednesday, November 12, 11:30 AM at the First Baptist Church in Strong, 554 S. Concord. Commissioner Moore will speak to our group about the Highway Department's future plans for Highway 167, Highway 82, and the future I-69. 

Commissioner Moore's presentation is a huge event for El Dorado and Union County's economic development future. As a region, we need to be plugged in on when and where the highway improvements will be made. In order for our existing industries to grow and for us to successfully recruit new companies, we need to have a great and modern transportation network. The State's transportation plan through its proposed expansion to a four lane will also help us inadvertently eliminate some blighted areas that we need to be rid of sooner than later. This is very important as well when we bring new people to our area. We want newcomers to feel good about the ambiance of our community.  See more: El Dorado chamber

Chamber Tweet of the Day: Oklahoma State Chamber 

25m25 minutes ago
Proud to join & in offering FREE seminar for OK's small biz tomorrow, 11/13. Register now!

Chamber Forum in central Illinois: Minimum wage hike bad for biz

The Central Illinois Regional Chamber Legislative Effort (CIRCLE) is an organization representing 19 Chambers of Commerce in the region. As a member of this coalition, the Morton Chamber of Commerce would like to share its concerns about an increase in the minimum wage.

Although the recently passed referendum was non-binding, this issue has far-reaching implications. An increase in the minimum wage is more than just an addition to payroll expenses. It means stress on our small businesses’ already tight margins for profitability. According to the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, raising the minimum wage above $10 an hour could mean losing up to 1 million jobs. This staggering number could put in peril an already struggling economy. An increase in the minimum wage also means higher Social Security and Medicare taxes, as well as increased workers compensation and unemployment insurance rates.

A recent poll of CIRCLE members throughout central Illinois indicated that 20 percent of our businesses would be forced to reduce staffing hours. Read more:Peoria Journal Star

Canada's consul general will address Crossroads (Indiana) chamber meeting Nov. 18

Crossroads Regional Chamber of Commerce will host Roy Norton, consul general for Canada, as the featured speaker Nov. 18 at Avalon Manor, 3550 E. U.S. 30, Hobart.
Norton will discuss “Why Canada Matters to Indiana Business.” Networking starts at 11:15 a.m. and the luncheon starts promptly at noon. Cost to attend is $18 for Crossroads members, and $25 for nonmembers. Registration is required and can be made online at or by calling (219) 769-8180. Source: 

Iowa City chamber: A Toast to Our Communities awards recipients announced

The Board of Directors at the Iowa City Area Chamber of Commerce will recognize the best in business in seven categories at A Toast to Our Communities awards breakfast at 7:30 a.m. Nov. 20 at Brown Deer Golf Club, 1900 Country Club Drive, in Coralville. Recipients include:
• Ambassador of the Year — Jessica Wittman, Corridor Radiology.
• Honored Farm Family award — Bill and Denise Maier and family.
• Nonprofit of the Year — Big Brothers Big Sisters of Johnson County.
• Spark Leadership award — Rick Fosse, Iowa City Public Works Department.
• Impact and Innovation award — Sculpt, LLC.
• Eliot Keller Small Business of the Year — McCrossen Consulting.
• Volunteer of the Year — Jim Conard, West Bank.
Read more: Iowa Press-Citizen

Chamber event: Business counseling available Nov. 19 in Wisconsin Rapids

A counselor from the Small Business Development Center at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point will be available from noon to 4 p.m. Nov. 19 at the Heart of Wisconsin Chamber of Commerce, 1120 Lincoln St.
Confidential business counseling is available without charge to current or prospective small business operators on issues ranging from financial management to sources of capital. Counseling is only by appointment. Wisconsin Rapids Tribune

Famous Chamber of Commerce Quotation (Attitude):

“I will always find a way and a way will always find me.”
Charles F. Glassman, Brain Drain The Breakthrough That Will Change Your Life

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