WASHINGTON – The U.S. Small Business Administration announced extended deferment periods for all disaster loans, including the COVID-19 Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) program, until 2022.
- All SBA disaster loans made in calendar year 2020, including COVID-19 EIDL, will have a first payment due date extended from 12-months to 24-months from the date of the note.
- All SBA disaster loans made in calendar year 2021, including COVID-19 EIDL, will have a first payment due date extended from 12-months to 18-months from the date of the note.
Existing SBA disaster loans approved prior to 2020 in regular servicing status as of March 1, 2020, received an automatic deferment of principal and interest payments through December 31, 2020. This initial deferment period was subsequently extended through March 31, 2021. An additional 12-month deferment of principal and interest payments will be automatically granted to these borrowers. Borrowers will resume their regular payment schedule with the payment immediately preceding March 31, 2022, unless the borrower voluntarily continues to make payments while on deferment. It is important to note that the interest will continue to accrue on the outstanding balance of the loan throughout the duration of the deferment.
“Small Businesses, private nonprofits and agricultural enterprises, including those self-employed individuals, contractors and gig workers, continue to navigate a very difficult economic environment due to the continued impacts of the Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic, as well as historic Severe Winter Storms in 2020,” SBA Administrator Tami Perrillo said.
“The COVID-19 EIDL program has assisted over 3.7 million of small businesses, including non-profit organizations, sole proprietors and independent contractors, from a wide array of industries and business sectors, through this challenging time,” continued Perrillo.
SBA continues to strive to make available all previously approved Coronavirus Pandemic stimulus funding and administer the new targeted programs related to provisions in the 2020 Economic Aid to Hard-Hit Small Businesses, Nonprofits, and Venues Act (the Economic Aid Act) as quickly as possible.
“The American people and the nation’s Small Business owners need our tireless effort and dedication to get this essential funding to those in great need, and SBA will not rest until we implement President Biden’s “American Rescue Plan” and its’ additional targeted programs and funds allocated for America’s small business and nonprofit communities,” said SBA Senior Advisor Michael Roth .
COVID-19 EIDL loans are offered at very affordable terms, with a 3.75% interest rate for small businesses and 2.75% interest rate for nonprofit organizations, a 30-year maturity. Interest continues to accrue during the deferment period and borrowers may make full or partial payments if they choose.
In mid-February 2021, SBA reached a milestone in the success of the COVID-19 EIDL program, by approving over $200 billion in emergency funding in low-interest loans, providing working capital funds to small businesses, non-profits and agricultural businesses to survive the severe impacts of this catastrophic and historic period within the entire United States of America and its territories. SBA continues to approve over $500 million each week for the COVID-19 EIDL program.
Questions on SBA COVID-19 EIDL and disaster loan payments can be answered by email at DisasterCustomerService@sba.gov or by calling SBA’s Customer Service Center at 1-800-659-2955 (TTY: 1-800-877-8339).
#ChamberHeart: Paying for the person behind you: Thousands participate in Virginia coffee shop's pay it forward movement
The pandemic has brought a lot of hardships for people, especially for some small businesses. But even during a difficult time, a quaint coffee shop in Downtown Fredericksburg is spreading joy. Anita Crossfield opened Italian Station four years ago.
"The community of Fredericksburg is a small community with such a huge heart," said Crossfield.
Feb. 17 was 'Random Acts of Kindness Day,' so along with the local Chamber of Commerce, Crossfield wanted to spread some joy. She gave one customer a free cup of coffee, hoping they would pass it on, paying for the person behind them.
"It's at a time when such a small gesture can make a difference in our lives by buying a cup of coffee for a person behind you," said Crossfield.
What was expected to last hours, is now headed into its third week. A pay-it-forward movement no one was prepared for.
"Even though we had a snow storm and rainy days we still had good numbers. We are up to almost 1,400 people. That means 1,400 people have paid for a beverage for the person behind them," she said.
Organizers said they may have set a new record, but that accomplishment can't overshadow the joy this small gesture has brought to so many people in the community. The hope is that this will catch on in other areas.
This meeting will be a Tourism Update from the City of Manassas and Prince William County. It will consist of an overview of the past year and a look into the future. Both Tourism Directors will take questions at the end of the meeting.Looking forward to seeing you there, register below:
Ross W. Snare IV
Senior Director of Operations and Government Affairs
Prince William Chamber of Commerce
Association of Chamber of Commerce Executives (ACCE): More Professional Development
Recordings are now available on managing a remote team and maximizing your chamber’s foundation..
Reopen Michigan Safely Coalition Calls on Governor Whitmer to #EndTheOfficeBan on April 14th.
In anticipation of the April 14th expiration of Michigan Occupational Safety and Administration (MIOSHA) emergency rules that prohibit the reopening of business office spaces, the Reopen Michigan Safely coalition is calling on Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer to #EndTheOfficeBan and allow job creators and employees across all industries to work together toward reopening safely.
Reopen Michigan Safely is a newly formed coalition of business leaders focused on re-energizing Michigan’s economy. The group was started by the Michigan Chamber of Commerce, Birmingham-Bloomfield Chamber, Grand Rapids Area Chamber of Commerce, Traverse Connect, Lansing Regional Chamber of Commerce, Saginaw County Chamber of Commerce, Battle Creek Area Chamber of Commerce and Southern Wayne County Chamber of Commerce. The coalition is sounding the alarm that Michigan jobs are being permanently lost due to current restrictions, and is asking others to join the movement to reopen Michigan now.
“Our restaurants and retail establishments have suffered greatly as a result of the current work from-home mandates, and further extending the order will lead directly to more local businesses failing,” said Birmingham-Bloomfield Chamber President Joe Bauman. “Many of our member businesses have greatly reduced staff and slashed their hours of operation as a result of losing all of the customers generated from a robust office sector and are literally hanging on by a thread. Our employers and employees should be given the right to create a safe work environment following federal guidelines and determine for themselves what is the best operating practice for their individual business.”
“It is time to safely reopen Michigan for business,” said Michigan Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Rich Studley. “With the widespread distribution of COVID-19 vaccines and a substantial decrease in COVID caseloads, it is time for state government to be more proactive about saving jobs and allowing businesses to reopen. Given everything we have learned over the last year, it is time to let job creators and employees put that information to work and safely reopen our offices and other businesses.”
While the coalition is pressing for a full, and safe, reopening of all Michigan businesses, a pressing issue is the rapidly approaching April 14th expiration of Whitmer’s MIOSHA emergency orders that ban most in-person office work. Citing a provision under Michigan law, Whitmer initially implemented the rules for a six-month period. Now that the six months are nearly up, the Governor is weighing whether to unilaterally extend the rules for an additional six months. That decision point is approaching rapidly.
Originally signed last October, Whitmer’s MIOSHA emergency rules provide extensive protocols for operating safely but prohibit most in-person work. This means businesses and employers are barred from finding ways to safely reopen offices in ways that will keep our jobs and economy alive. The rules state that, “The employer shall create a policy prohibiting in-person work for employees to the extent that their work activities can feasibly be completed remotely.”
Scott Ryan, Vice President and General Counsel of Gentex, a Zeeland-based company that provides custom, high-tech electronic products for the automotive, aerospace and commercial fire protection industries, said current restrictions are holding our economy back. “Michigan’s remote working requirement has curtailed new product development efforts, hampered our ability to respond to operational concerns, negatively affected our ability to compete, and left many office employees battling isolation and depression,” said Ryan. “We’ve done the hard work to protect our employees and working together to get back to our offices safely is a major priority for us.”
Members of the coalition concur and strongly encourage the governor to work with and trust job creators and employees to reopen safely.
The Reopen Michigan Safely coalition can be found online at www.ReopenMichiganSafely.com, on Facebook at facebook.com/reopenmichigansafely and Twitter at @ReopenMISafely.
New Richmond Chamber: Calling all artists, businesses and shoppers!
The 2021 Park Art Fair will take place in Mary Park June 4-5 2021.
To reserve your art, craft, or business booth space now. Click the link below.
Clarkston Area Chamber: The Science Behind the Vaccine: Once Vaccinated, What's Next?
Healthcare experts provide a COVID-19 vaccine overview with an update on recent findings, new emerging details, and why it is safe (or not for certain people) to receive. Your questions answered plus:
· When does the immunity kick in and how long does it last after getting the vaccine?
· Can you still catch COVID-19 and infect others?
· Does the vaccine work against mutations?
· What's been common (or not so common) side effects to be aware of?
· Once I get the vaccine, if I get sick, how do I know if I actually have COVID or am just having side effects?
· What is the timeline and how do I figure out where I go to get it?
Presented by:
Dr. Fabian Fregoli MD, Chief Medical Officer, St. Joseph Mercy Oakland
Nicholas Gilpin, DO, Chief Medical Officer, Beaumont Grosse Pointe and System Medical Director for Infection Prevention and Epidemiology, Beaumont Health
Dr. Binesh Patel, Chief Medical Officer, McLaren Flint
There is no cost to attend, but registration is required to receive the Zoom link.
Great Lakes Credit Union (GLCU) is excited to announce their 2021 scholarship opportunity for college-bound students. Individuals may submit their 2021 application now through April 30th, 2021. The GLCU Scholarship Committee will select and award $1,000 scholarships to six students!
Applicants are required to submit a short video as part of their submission, making the process more dynamic by highlight academic accomplishments and digital skills. The scholarship program is available to GLCU members of 6 months or longer, no matter their age or education level. Funds can be used for tuition, accommodations, books, or any college-related expense.
"GLCU is proud to support students as they continue on their educational journey and work to make their dreams a reality." – Jennifer Shimp, Financial Education Program Manager
All applications must be submitted online using the electronic entry form. Winners will be notified no later than May 15th, 2021.
For more information about the scholarship application and eligibility requirements, please visit www.glcu.org/scholarships.
Charleston, Mattoon Chamber of Commerce groups begin potential merger talks
Members of the Charleston and Mattoon Chamber of Commerce executive boards have entered into formal talks regarding the potential merger of the two organizations.
Jeffrey Baker, chair of the Charleston Area Chamber of Commerce board, and James Rieck, president of the Mattoon Chamber of Commerce board, reported in a letter to members that their respective boards of directors recently voted to initiate these talks after considerable discussion.
"No final decisions will be made without first communicating with and then seeking the approval of each organizations respective memberships through a voting process," Baker and Rieck said. "These are member-driven organizations and they will have the final approval."
The letter reported that the discussions, which are still in the early stages, have been cordial and productive.
"As one might imagine at this early stage, there are more questions than answers," Baker and Rieck said, adding that they will share more information as it is available. "In the interim, if you have any specific matters you believe should be addressed, feel free to contact any member of your respective board of directors or Chamber staff." Read more: JG-TC News
Mokena Chamber Of Commerce Celebrates 60th Anniversary
The Mokena Chamber of Commerce is celebrating its 60th anniversary on Saturday. The chamber was first created in 1961, Executive Director Melissa Fedora told Patch.
"In 1961, we had 51 members and the annual dues were $20," Fedora said. Now, the Chamber has just under 400 members, and its $195 for a standard membership.
Normally, the Chamber would hold several gatherings to celebrate its anniversary, but that's not possible due to the coronavirus pandemic. Instead, the Chamber asked for members and others to share notes why they love the chamber, their favorite Chamber memory, their favorite Chamber event, photos from meetings or events, or a testimonial on how the Chamber helped their business. Read more: Patch.com
New 800-acre Data Center Campus proposed in Prince William County, Virginia
A new 800-acre data center campus has been proposed proposed in Manassas, Virginia.
A group of “rural crescent” landowners unveiled plans last week for data center development plans adjacent to Manassas National Battlefield Park in Prince William County.
The Prince William Times reports that the proposal would strings together 30 parcels of agricultural land owned by 15 property owners to be developed by a single unnamed data center developer.
For more breaking data center news, features, and opinions, be sure to subscribe to DCD's newsletter
Digital Gateway at Prince William County
Informally titled the “PWC Digital Gateway,” the campus would be located in two clusters along the Pageland Lane corridor, referred to as the north and south sections, and would would border Manassas National Battlefield Park
The proposals are outside the outside the county’s data center overlay district, a special zone designed to house data centers without impacting the rest of the private and historical properties in the area.
The plans are reportedly being led by local residents Mary Ann Ghadban and Page Snyder, with the backing of an as-yet-unnamed data center firm. The company is preparing to file an application with the county in the coming weeks. The landowners and data center developer are also proposing to fund a $40 million non-profit foundation as a condition of the project’s approval that would directly fund county initiatives.
Supervisor Victor Angry, D-Neabsco, told the Times the project is a “magic pill” for generating new tax revenue that could be used to boost school funding while lessening the tax burden on county residents. However, not all board members agreed.
Supervisor Jeanine Lawson, R-Brentsville, reportedly called the proposal an “absurd development idea,” adding: “Even Loudoun County, the data center capital of the world, protects its rural area from this industrial use.”
Supervisor Yesli Vega, R-Coles, added that the board should abide by the county’s current land use rules, which would not allow the current proposal to go ahead.
The proposals also faced opposition from Prince William Conservation Alliance. Katie Liming, a spokeswoman for the Manassas National Battlefield Park, told the Times that the National Park Service is “closely monitoring” discussions about proposed changes in the county’s land-use policies, including those along the western boundary of the park.
Prince William County’s latest budget spending plan includes calls for a $1.60 tax per $100 of value on business computers and peripheral equipment, a 25-cent hike over the current rate that would primarily apply to data centers. Ross W. Snare IV, Senior Director of Operations and Government Affairs at the Prince William Chamber of Commerce, said he has “grave concerns over the unintended consequences from this action.”
If passed, PWC’s tax hike would come at a time the rest of the state, especially Southern Virginia, is looking to increase incentives to attact data center investment. Five Southwest Virginia leaders this week announced plans to set what will be Virginia’s lowest regional property tax rate on data center equipment, while there are currently three bills making their way through the Senate that would reduce the qualification thresholds for tax breaks.
Emma Skahill Named Knoxville Chamber of Commerce Executive Director
The Knoxville Chamber of Commerce has named Emma Skahill its new Executive Director. Skahill has worked as Marketing and Communications Coordinator since February 2020, and says she looks forward to assuming the position.
“I’m really honored and excited to be named the newest director of the Knoxville Chamber of Commerce. It’s a really strong organization, and over the past few years, they’ve been able to achieve a lot of different things in the community. So I’m really excited to step into this role and build off that momentum, continue making connections in Knoxville, and helping the chamber achieve its mission of fostering a vibrant business community.”
Skahill replaces Hannah Vander Veer, who is departing for a position in the Knoxville Community School District. Skahill will begin her new role at the beginning of January.
Des Moines Downtown Chamber names Bennett as new executive director
Staci Bennett has been named the new executive director for the Des Moines Downtown Chamber of Commerce.
The chamber announced the move Monday, saying Bennett will begin her new role on Feb. 1. She succeeds Jennifer Chittenden, who stepped down last fall after accepting another opportunity.
Bennett comes to the chamber from Living History Farms, where she served as director of community relations. According to a news release, she managed guest services, membership, events and retail operations for Living History Farms.
“My career has been built on developing strong relationships, applying creative solutions to problems, and serving the community,” said Bennett, a Des Moines native. “I look forward to learning more about what our members and community need and how to provide additional support, especially as we navigate through these difficult times.”
Bennett earned a Master of Business Administration from Drake University. She is currently pursuing her Ph.D. in interdisciplinary leadership at Creighton University.
Amanda Wiebers, president of the Downtown Chamber board of directors, said Bennett’s “dedication and passion” will help guide the chamber and its members into the “next era of downtown Des Moines.” Read more: Business Record
The Decorah Area Chamber of Commerce (DACC) board of directors has selected Jessica Rilling as executive director. Rilling replaces Kristina Wiltgen, who has served the DACC for 17 years.
Rilling brings experience in creative placemaking, economic development, business support and grant writing, noted the DACC. She will assume the position on Wednesday, Dec. 9. Rilling is currently executive director for Iowa Valley Resource Conservation & Development of Amana.
“After an extensive search, we are pleased to have selected Jessica,” says DACC Board President Joe Gavle. “Jessica has an energetic leadership style; this combined with her business acumen and experience in capacity building makes her uniquely qualified. We’re excited for Jessica to bring her ideas and enthusiasm to the DACC.”
Rilling, along with husband Justin and daughter Ida Mae, are relocating from Cedar Rapids, where they have been residents for ten years. Justin Rilling is a principal software engineer with BAE Systems. He will continue in the position as a remote worker. Both are 2003 Decorah High School graduates.
“2020 has been a uniquely difficult year,” said Rilling. “I am ready to continue the important work DACC is already doing and hear from DACC members and local partners about what is needed next. Collaboration, adaptation, resiliency, and creativity will be essential in 2021 and I feel honored to be joining such a robust network of area professionals who are already troubleshooting challenges.”
The Decorah Area Chamber of Commerce mission is to be the trusted resource in the business community for advocacy, collaboration, and education. The organization currently serves 350 area businesses. To learn more visit www.DecorahAreaChamber.com.
Rochester Regional Chamber: Roundtable Discussion with State Rep Mark Tisdel - 3/26
We invite you to join us and other business leaders in the community as we sit down with State Representative Mark Tisdel to discuss challenges and issues specific to our businesses here in the greater Rochester area.
Read more: https://business.rrc-mi.com/events/details/roundtable-discussion-with-state-representative-mark-tisdel-31710
RELAUNCH Greater Lansing Task Force Initiates Comprehensive Covid Vaccination Communication Campaign
Employer Toolkit and Trusted Voices Video Series to Encourage Vaccinations to Reopen Regional Economy Safely
Lansing, MI – The RELAUNCH Greater Lansing: Economic Rehabilitation Task Force has launched a comprehensive communications campaign designed to help employers communicate with employees and encourage them to receive a COVID vaccine to move the region’s economy closer to reopening safely. The campaign consists of a toolkit and video series that aims to provide trustworthy, science and medicine-based data to disseminate in multiple industry sectors.
The campaign will feature weekly videos produced over the next few months with trusted voices leaders in business, government, education, and healthcare. The interviews will seek to answer frequently asked questions about Covid vaccinations and dispel myths.
“While it is a testament to the public-private partners that have produced vaccines to end this pandemic in such a short period, the process has left some people with questions about the vaccines,” said Tim Daman, president & CEO, Lansing Regional Chamber of Commerce and RELAUNCH Task Force member. “The Trusted Voices video series will seek to help employers fill the information void with timely, reliable, science-based information that should provide comfort to employees considering whether to get a vaccine.”
RELAUNCH Greater Lansing has also produced an employer vaccine guidebook that can serve as a road map for how employers can manage the process of communicating with employees and protecting their team members and stakeholders’ safety and health. This helpful toolkit and online publication include a business preparedness checklist, FAQ’s, vaccination preparation plan, sample employee survey, and more.
The RELAUNCH Greater Lansing: Economic Rehabilitation Task Force consists of prominent and trusted leaders in business, government, healthcare, and education dedicated to creating a successful regional relaunch strategy for Greater Lansing. Throughout the pandemic, the RELAUNCH Task Force has developed several tools to help organizations stay current with the latest information COVID-19 and changing regulatory requirements. More information can be found at the organization’s website: RELAUNCH Greater Lansing - Comprehensive Strategy to Reopen Business.
In the wake of the city of Janesville’s highly unpopular proposal to create a transportation utility, a local business membership organization is soliciting ideas of its own to pay for road maintenance. Forward Janesville Vice President of Government Relations and Education Dan Cunningham says it’s understandable the city is seeking funding solutions because of state restrictions for generating revenue. Cunningham is asking business leaders for ideas for funding road work to present to the council after next month’s elections.
Waupaca Foundry to hire for 200 jobs between Waupaca, Marinette facilities
Waupaca Foundry, Inc., one of the world’s largest iron foundries, is looking to hire as many as 200 employees between two of its Wisconsin facilities. Waupaca Foundry is hiring at its headquarters at 1955 Brunner Drive in Waupaca, as well as its plant at 805 Ogden St. in Marinette. The foundry is hiring for its core department, mill room, pattern design and repair, and product testing, according to its website. Open positions in Marinette and Waupaca include entry-level jobs such as machine operators, finishers and core operators. The foundry is also seeking skilled positions, such as electrical and maintenance personnel, at both locations.
An art deco inspired business incubator, mentorship network, and coworking space located in downtown Oshkosh, WI.
Our mission is to stimulate local commerce by fostering an entrepreneurial ecosystem through mentorship and community.
With over 7,500 square feet of historic character from the timber crafted floors to the elegant tin ceilings, you too can safely participate in this glorious social atmosphere where business leaders and start-ups collaborate to ignite the entrepreneurial ecosystem of Oshkosh and the greater Fox Valley.
The Venture Project is a coworking space, business incubator, and mentorship network. Conveniently located in the heart of Downtown Oshkosh and 1 mile away from University of Wisconsin Oshkosh, the Venture Project offers affordable and flexible shared work space memberships for entrepreneurs, business leaders, or virtual vagabonds. Coupled with beautifully restored office comforts, members also enjoy many amenities including complimentary luxury coffee brands, expert led courses & trainings, a podcast studio, flexible conference room usage, and more!
Join our mission today as we strive to make Oshkosh the entrepreneurial centerpiece of the Midwest.
Bloom where you're planted.
Vendor Applications Now
Open for Fox Cities 2021 Bazaar After Dark® Event
The Fox Cities
Chamber of Commerce is now
accepting vendor applications for its 2021 Bazaar After Dark® night market in
Neenah on Wednesday, July 28 from 5-10 p.m. Applications will be accepted March
15-April 30. Nearly 100 vendors are able to showcase and/or sell their unique
work at the event.
Interested vendors should review additional information at https://foxcitieschamber.com/community/bazaar-after-dark-vendors/. The cost to participate in Bazaar After Dark® is $75. All vendors must apply. Past participation does not guarantee acceptance. Fees will be refunded at the sole discretion of the Fox Cities Chamber if the event is canceled due to COVID-19. A health and safety review will be conducted later this spring as the July 28 is currently considered tentative due to ongoing COVID-19 concerns.
Bazaar After Dark® is an inclusive, family-friendly street market event. Attendees can expect to enjoy food, live art, local business participation, live music, and a pet-welcoming atmosphere. The Fox Cities Chamber announced March 4 that it would proceed with planning for one Bazaar After Dark® event for 2021 after two markets were canceled in 2020 due to COVID-19. The location of one of the canceled markets was South Commercial Street in Neenah, which is the location for the July 28 market.
For more information about applying to be a vendor, contact Katie Gaffney at the Fox Cities Chamber at kgaffney@foxcitieschamber.com.
Fredericksburg Regional Chamber Will Hold Their 30th Annual Awards and Gala at the Fredericksburg Nationals Stadium
Imagine attending a Gala on a baseball field – you don’t have to for long because…
The Fredericksburg Regional Chamber of Commerce is excited to announce the 30th Annual Awards & Gala Presented by BB&T, Now Truist will be held Friday, April 30th at the Fredericksburg Nationals Stadium.
Coming up on the one-year anniversary since our world began a challenging time, our community and membership deserve an evening to celebrate the successes and resiliency of our business community.
"Small businesses have a lot to celebrate. They have survived the most difficult economic conditions in modern history. We will gather together to celebrate them, and we encourage everyone to come out and join us." said Susan Spears, President and CEO, of the Fredericksburg Regional Chamber of Commerce
The over 5,000 seat stadium will host the gala's 500 attendees with plentiful space and opportunity for social distancing. This will be the region's first non-profit, in-person gala since March of last year, and will likely be the largest of this year.
The Chamber is releasing additional tickets to the Greatest Show in Town, ”A Million Dreams - Waking Up from 2020". The event will follow all COVID-19 prevention and health standards as set by the CDC and Virginia Department of Health.
Reserve your ticket(s) Here!
For sponsorship opportunities, contact Tabitha Hall at Thall@fxbgchamber.org for more information.
Arlington Chamber: Shark Tank Entrepreneur Sharmi Albrectsen of SmartGurlz to Keynote AWE Women in Business Summit on April 30
ARLINGTON, Va. - The Arlington Chamber of Commerce announced today that Sharmi Albrectsen, CEO and co-founder of SmartGurlz, will serve as the keynote presenter at the AWE Women in Business Summit. SmartGurlz, a fast growing start-up company focusing on closing the gender gap in technology, is the first robotics company focusing on girls and was featured on ABC's Shark Tank. The summit will be held virtually on Friday, April 30 from 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Previously hosted by Awesome Women Entrepreneurs (AWE), this will be the first summit since AWE became part of the Chamber this past fall. AWE announced that it was becoming a program of the Arlington Chamber at last year's AWE Women in Business Summit, and the Chamber began introducing female-focused programming in the fall of 2020.

Sharmi Albrechtsen, CEO & Co-Founder, SmartGurlz
"The AWE Women in Business Summit promises to be an exciting, inspiring program, and Sharmi Albrechtsen brings the type of energy and perspective to set the tone. Her amazing entrepreneurial success and work to empower girls is an inspiration," said Kate Bates, President & CEO of the Arlington Chamber of Commerce. "I've seen firsthand the powerful connections formed and information exchanged through our women in business events over the last year, and we can't wait to take that to the next level with the summit."
Sharmi Albrechtsen started SmartGurlz in 2015 after she became frustrated when trying to find educational but fun toys for her daughter. SmartGurlz is trying to change the way STEM is taught to girls, based on studies of children's brain development. As CEO, she is the visionary backbone of the company, ensuring that the company develops, markets, and sells innovative products. She received AdWeek's 2017 Disruptor Award in Championing Gender Diversity in Advertising and Tech. SmartGurlz's partners include BlackGirlsCode, Girl Scouts of America, and DigitalGirl Inc.
"Sharmi Albrechtsen epitomizes everything being an awesome woman entrepreneur represents," said AWE co-founder Karen Bate. "We can't wait to be inspired by her, and are thrilled to be part of the Summit again this year as part of the Arlington Chamber's new Women in Business programs."
The summit is a half-day professional development and networking event designed for women entrepreneurs, executives, and professionals eager to grow their business or enhance their career. This event will bring together a diverse group of women to create a community dedicated to helping and supporting one another as we challenge traditional barriers that women in business face.
Registration and more information on the AWE Women in Business Summit can be found on the Chamber's website. Members of the media are invited and encouraged to attend the event. If you would like to register as media, please contact Scott Pedowitz, Government Affairs Director at advocacy@arlingtonchamber.org or (703) 525-2400 ext. 203.
Portage County Business Council Announces Entrepreneur of the Year and Portage County Charitable Community Award Recipients
STEVENS POINT, WI—The Portage County Business Council is proud to announce that Eron’s Event Barn has been selected as the recipient of the 2021 Entrepreneur of the Year and the Humane Society of Portage County has been selected as the recipient of the 2021 Portage County Charitable Community Award.
Eron’s Event Barn, owners John and Melissa Eron were chosen based on their growth and financial stability; dedication to customer service and community needs; and innovative efforts to identify a market niche. They are located at 3471 County Road C in Stevens Point.
The Humane Society of Portage County located at 3200 Iber Lane in Plover, was chosen based on their ongoing work since 1969 of protecting, rescuing and rehoming of animals in Portage County.
Both award recipients were chosen from over 15 nominees and were selected in a juried process by a panel of business representatives.
Eron’s Event Barn, the Humane Society of Portage County, and the other award nominees will be recognized at the Portage County Business Council’s Creative Excellence Breakfast on Tuesday, April 6 at the Holiday Inn Hotel & Convention Center in Stevens Point. Registration for the event can be found at www.portagecountybiz.com.
For more information, contact Karen Myers at karenm@portagecountybiz.com.
State of the Community Address
Wednesday, March 24, 2021
12:00 pm to 1:00 pm
Join Us to Hear Virtual Community Addresses Presented By:
City of Mequon Mayor, John Wirth
Village of Thiensville President, Van Mobley
MTSD Superintendent, Matthew Joynt
Register for the Meeting by Monday, March 22 at 5pm
Register Now
When registering, please be sure to enter the email address of the attendee. Registrants will receive an email with the Zoom meeting link prior to the meeting.
Fox Cities Chamber Adds Greiner, Hathaway to Professional Staff
FOX CITIES, Wis. (March 24 2021) – The Fox Cities Chamber of Commerce is proud to announce the addition of Sara Hathaway and Kristen Greiner to its professional staff in March 2021.
As Director of Talent and K-16 Outreach, Hathaway will guide Chamber efforts to connect to the next-generation talent pool – including students of all ages – and oversee programs aimed at strengthening education in the community, connecting students with resources to develop their career paths, and attract graduating college students across the nation to the Fox Cities.
Hathaway comes to the Chamber from Ripon College, where she had served as Director of Career and Professional Development since 2017. At Ripon, she helped develop the nationally-recognized FLASH Internship experiential learning program.
The Chamber’s former Director of Young Professionals and Events, Greiner returns as Director of Events – a role in which she will plan and facilitate large events such as Appleton’s Octoberfest and the Chamber’s Public Policy Series, among others.
She most recently worked at Lawrence University as the Assistant Director of Campus Services, Conferences and Events, where she was involved with the planning and execution of camps, conferences, and weddings at the Warch Campus Center in Appleton.
Browse other events hosted by the SBA Illinois District Office www.sba.gov/il.
Small Business Development Center (SBDC) at Joliet Junior College
Here are our upcoming no-cost webinars:
Social Media – Stop Posting! Start Marketing (with Joe Sanders) on April 1 at 11am
Are you taking advantage of the opportunities and changes in Social Media? Learn the five-step process: Find the Right Audience; Create the Right Content; Promote Your Business as a Brand; Use Ample Resources; and Analyze the Results. Digital Marketing expert, podcast host and author Joe Sanders, from Relevant Elephant, will share a powerful overview of how to improve your social media strategy and WHY you need to take action.
Social Media - Stop Posting! Start Marketing! (with Joe Sanders) (ecenterdirect.com)
Video Marketing for Small Business (with Mike at Acclaim Media) on April 8 at 11am
Video production once meant bringing in a full production crew to produce a television commercial. Now, a child can produce a quality video on their phone. And that video is a very important component to your website, social media pages, product information, as well as your local advertising. Learn the benefits of video marketing and hear from Mike Poglitsch at Acclaim Media about how easy the process can be.
Video Marketing for Small Business (ecenterdirect.com)
Funding Your Business (with Nancy Kuzma) on April 14th at 2pm
Funding your business is critical for start-ups as well as companies who are looking to expand. Establishing business credit is the first step. Get a basic understanding of what banks look for to qualify for a loan from Nancy Kuzma of Old Plank Trail Community Bank/Wintrust Community Bank.
Funding Your Business Webinar (ecenterdirect.com)
Government Certification Process (with Rita Haake at COD) on April 27th at 1pm
Certifications: Interpreting the alphabet to pursue profits! Which small business certification is the best one for you?
Your options:
• Federal: 8(a), EDWOSB, HUBZone, SDB, SDVOSB, WOSB, VOSB
• Local: DBE, MBE, WBE, VBE
You will learn the details of the application process, documentation requirements, certification options, and how to market and leverage certifications for the growth of your business.
Webinar: The Certification Process (ecenterdirect.com)
Barrington Chamber Rolls Out New Car Show for Classic Collectors
The Barrington Area Chamber of Commerce is rolling out a new community Car Show for Classic Car Collectors. The event will be held on Saturday, June 26 from noon until 4:00 p.m. in Downtown Barrington in the BMO Harris lot at Cook and E. Lake Streets.
“We have a high concentration of Classic Car Collectors in our area and in Northwest Illinois,” said BACC President/CEO Suzanne Corr. “We want to bring them out to celebrate cars and community and participate in an event that will boost small business and Main St. Retailers.”
The event will feature a lot full of display cars, Car Club tailgating spaces, Sponsor booths and cars, food, live music, car trivia contests with prizes, and a VIP Patio area for adult refreshments on Park Ave. The car show will be open to the public from noon until 4:00 p.m. The VIP Patio will remain open and feature live local music until 10:00 p.m.
“Collecting classic cars is more than a hobby, it is about preserving a story and a piece of history,” Corr said. Classic car collectors pour their enthusiasm, energy, and yes money, into restoring and showing vintage vehicles. “Owning classic cars can be irresistible and emotionally compelling for the stories they represent. They capture the art and history of engineering and design,” she said.
Like Jim Steffen’s 1975 Excalibur Phaeton. Found in a Crystal Lake garage, the car needed lots of TLC. Excalibur only made about 340 cars in 40 years. With most in Europe and many owned by movie stars, it was a rare find. Jim started working on the interior last March and worked with Lake Barrington Motor Sports to get it running again. Jim’s car will be on display June 26.
Or the 1976 Buick Riviera Kevin Kauppi restored in honor of his parents, Arvo and Sadie. Kevin earned his driver's license in the nearly 19-ft car in 1977. The car sat in his parent’s storage for 15 years after his mother’s death, until his father gifted it to Kevin on Father’s Day in 2008. 1976 was the last year of the Big Buick body styles and 455-4 Buick engine. Kevin’s car will be on display June 26.
To nominate a car for the June 26 Car Show, email: Communications@BarringtonChamber.com and include the car owner’s name, street address, telephone number (cell) and e-mail address; vehicle information, year, make and model. Cars must be approved and accepted in advance. No day-of registration will be allowed. A $20 donation supporting the BACC scholarship fund is suggested at check-in. Vendor and sponsorship opportunities are also available, as well as Tailgating spaces for Car Clubs. For more information, email Suzanne@BarringtonChamber.com.
The VIP Patio will be open from noon until 4:00pm on Park Ave., offering adult refreshments, live local music from 4:00 – 10:00 p.m., and other activities. A $10 donation is requested at the gate to support small business programming. Guests must be 21 years or older to enter the area.
For more information on the Classic Collectors Car Show, visit www.BarringtonChamber.com.
Savor Lincoln Park: a Covid-Friendly two-week virtual Celebration
Savor Lincoln Park 2021 will transform from a one-night indoor food festival to a COVID-friendly two-week virtual celebration featuring Lincoln Park’s resilient restaurant owners and chefs.Savor Lincoln Park 2021 will run from April 19 – May 2, with online orders beginning on Monday, April 12. This multi-tiered event features:
· Prix fixe menus, tasting menus, and take-home kits available for carry out from Lincoln Park restaurants and eateries.
· Virtual tasting and cooking demonstration events featuring Lincoln Park chefs, bartenders and owners.
· Silent Auction featuring experiences and gift cards from some of Chicago’s favorite stores, restaurants, attractions and more.
Participating restaurants and businesses will be announced soon. Visit the Savor Lincoln Park event page for the latest updates.
Prince William Chamber: Tourism Update
This meeting will be a Tourism Update from the City of Manassas and Prince William County. It will consist of an overview of the past year and a look into the future. Both Tourism Directors will take questions at the end of the meeting.Looking forward to seeing you there, register below:
Ross W. Snare IV
Senior Director of Operations and Government Affairs
Prince William Chamber of Commerce
Lansing Regional Chamber: 2020 ATHENA Leadership Award Program to Be Televised on WLAJ ABC 53 on Thursday, March 25
For the first time in its prestigious history, the ATHENA Leadership Award will be presented on live television. The 2020 ATHENA Award recipient, Elaine Hardy will formally receive her award during a live broadcast scheduled for 7 p.m. Thursday March 25 on WLAJ ABC 53. The event will also be live-streamed on WLNS.com
“We are thrilled to partner with WLAJ ABC 53 and WLNS.com to broadcast the ATHENA Award to the entire community,” said Tim Daman, president and CEO, Lansing Regional Chamber of Commerce. “The COVID pandemic may have prevented us from having our annual ATHENA Awards luncheon, so we took advantage of the opportunity to showcase this important event to a broader audience.”
Elaine Hardy is currently serving as the City of East Lansing’s first appointed Diversity Equity and Inclusion Administrator. Elaine is the current chairperson of the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Commission of Mid-Michigan, representing the City of East Lansing. Her passionate dedication to and belief in the legacy of Dr. King drives and motivates her to find ways to honor his legacy in her life by serving others. Elaine is committed to seeing youth reach their full potential and devotes her time as a mentor and life coach and supporting youth advocacy for social justice.
In addition to the presentation of the 2020 ATHENA Award and acceptance remarks from Elaine Hardy, the live television broadcast will also recognize 2021 ATHENA PowerLink recipients Trista Parisian and Jenny Quinn of FLEXcity Fitness. The program will also highlight ATHENA WIN, which provides valuable connections and support for women business leaders in the Lansing region.
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